Tiger in the Year of the Goat

Lunar Calendar

Solar Calendar

Lunar Calendar

Solar Calendar


Jan 26 1914 – Feb 12 1915
Feb 13 1926 – Feb 1 1927
Jan 31 1938 Feb 18 1939
Feb 17 1950 – Feb 5 1951


Feb 5 1962 – Jan 24 1963
Jan 23 1974 – Feb 10 1975
Feb 9 1986 – Jan 28 1987
Feb 9 1998 – Feb 15 1999
Feb 14 2010 – Feb 2 2011

In the year of the Goat, the Tiger has a downturn in luck. Therefore, the Tiger must conduct matters very carefully. The Tiger will also be lacking a sense of direction and goal orientation. Family and friends may be easily rebellious, seeming to act against you, or taking advantage of you. Outside of family and friends, people will tend to gossip and cause disturbances. Competition tends to be more intense for jobs and career. This is also a year where help may be difficult to seek in times of need; even having a shoulder to lean on will be difficult. This is not a year to be aspiring for much and rather, status quo may be a better bet. Of course in life, one must be positive and face adversities with courage. Therefore, the Tiger should not lose all motivation and not try in life, attributing everything to bad luck as an excuse to be lazy and helpless; then the Tiger’s luck and career progress will only get worse and worse. On the other hand, if the Tiger is willing to focus, work hard, and not be preoccupied with getting returns for the effort or being afraid of obstacles, luck will not downturn. This is not a year to make changes, especially ones that are impractical and beyond the capability of the Tiger, which will only accomplish nothing; as a result it is more ideal for the Tiger to stay with status quo. If the Tiger is willing to be meticulous, work hard and not be afraid of doing a bit of extra work without returns, by midyear, there may be positive results. Unpredictable matters may arise in work, but if the Tiger perseveres and takes matters upon his/herself, then the chances of someone undermining the Tiger is less and by mid year, there can be a change in luck.

The Tiger will be plagued by gossip this year. Therefore, it is best for the Tiger to limit involvement in other people’s business as the Tiger will already a lot on his/her plate to deal with. Additionally, the Tiger must work extra hard this year to make up for laziness and lack of progress. Those who are professionals or in the areas dealing with money, such as banking, currency and accounting, will fare better this year. At least to some extent, with hard work, determination and perseverance, positive results can be attained; however, the Tiger must be modest and low key. Arrogance will only lead to envy and gossip, possibly leading to financial loss and litigation. By the mid of year, there are new job opportunity occurs. There is no harm to try because you may get some help from others.

Fortune this year will only be average, as money will come and go, where money may initially come first, but is lost due to unexpected circumstances. Money will be up and down. Be careful about small financial gains followed by large financial losses. The Tiger must not be too greedy this year; avoid playing stocks and gambling. Remember that losing big money is a result of winning small money. Just because of small winnings and listening to the so called expert’s advice and continue to gamble without knowing when to stop, the greed will only lead to poverty. Financial loss is a huge risk this year, including the risk of being conned by strangers, friends or relatives looking to set a trap and swindle money, causing you to have legal troubles as a result. Remember, high mountains have straight trees, but the world does not have straight people; therefore you must be cautious, even with people who seem to be close friends and relatives, whom you wouldn’t suspect as a con, so don’t let it blind you, as it really is difficult to tell who you can trust.

The young Tiger should try to avoid chasing after material goods and money, as to waste educational opportunities. Because the luck in education for the Tiger is already poor this year, the lack of concentration and effort in education will only make thing worse. The young Tiger needs to choose his/her friends well, as these peers may bring about bad habits of gambling, drugs and other non-productive activities. These peers may cause gossip and possibly physical injury to the young Tiger.

There are a lot of truths and lies in relationships this year for the Tiger, which is filled with unpredictability and illusions. Stay away from socially unacceptable or unhealthy relationships. Do not let the frustrations of bad relationships affect your work. Nor should you let yourself drown in sex or alcohol, and as a result destroy work and career. The male Tiger this year may be in the position of being on the receiving end of a break up, or suffer financial loss as a result of women. The male Tiger who is not single may find himself on the verge of ending a relationship; in this case, try to be patient and understanding, giving each other more chances to avoid regret before a final decision is made. The female Tiger may appear to have much variety in relationships, but these are but mere illusions. The female Tiger should not be too soft-hearted and do things that she will regret; do not be greedy in the areas of money, material goods and sex, selling herself short, jeopardizing career and reputation. This is because the female Tiger is at risk for being conned for money through the promises of love.

There is an unlucky star shining on the Tiger this year, causing the Tiger to easily suffer injury. The Tiger needs to more vigilant about gastrointestinal disorders and should therefore watch what he/she eats, not drinking or eating excessively nor should the Tiger be dieting excessively. The Tiger should also take better care of the kidneys this year. Avoid promiscuity to reduce the risk of venereal disease and gynecological problems for the female Tiger.

Zodiac signs to associate with: Dog, Horse and Pig
Zodiac signs to avoid: Monkey, Rat, Dragon, Rabbit and Tiger
Lucky colors: Baby Blue and Green
Unlucky colors: Gold and Grey
Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 8
Unlucky numbers: 5, 7 and 9
Lucky gemstones: Lapis Lazuli and Rose Quartz