Rooster in the Year of the Goat

Lunar Calendar

Solar Calendar

Lunar Calendar

Solar Calendar


Jan 22 1909 – Feb 9 1910
Feb 8 1921 – Jan 27 1922
Jan 26 1933 – Feb 13 1934
Feb 13 1945 – Feb 1 1946
Jan 31 1957 – Feb 17 1958


Feb 17 1969 – Feb 5 1970
Feb 5 1981 – Jan 24 1982
Jan 23 1993 – Feb 9 1994
Feb 9, 2005 – Jan 28, 2006

For those born in the year of the Rooster, there are some negative stars in your path, particularly in the beginning of the year. When problems occur, there is no one backing you up. You may need to fight alone. People around you give you many different opinions which make you more confused. Be aware of the special care as it may harm you in different ways. However, there are some good stars in your path, which may bring someone who will lend you a helping hand. You need to be humble, modest, treat others with respect, work hard, and keep low key, then other will come to your help when you ask. It is also important to be honest, work hard, think more, learn more, and not take the mentality that you can easily attain success (using a Chinese saying, you want to reach heaven in a single leap), then by April or May, things should start to go smoothly for you.

In terms of career, there will be a new opportunity arising for you, so bring up your courage and consider taking that chance. In circumstances where you are amiable with those under and above you, there may be opportunities, in particular for small businesses, selling and distribution of goods. Those who benefit this year is the honest, hard working individual, especially if there is a strong willingness to learning, leading to the possibility of job promotion. If around mid-year there is opportunity to try a new direction, change jobs or even try starting up your own business. On the other hand, those who use their voices for a living, for example entertainment and journalism, may suffer negative effects as a result of gossip. Once you attain prestige in your job, you need to keep modest, humble and low key. Having better skills than your boss or mentor and other colleagues may lead to arrogance, bringing envy from others may lead to negative gossip and the possibility of physical injury to yourself.

Do not be indecisive; if there are positive gains, collect immediately, rather than prolonging. In interpersonal relationships, it is important that you act tactfully and do not step on others or speak badly of them; only under amiable conditions and relations will you be able to recruit support and assistance from others and achieve success. Long distances can lead to gains for the Rooster this year especially in the areas of management import/export, and gold and currency. However, for the employed individual, it is not suitable to work abroad, which will not be as positive as working in your current locale. On the other hand, business owners can consider expanding abroad. But in this world, there is not clear cut measure of good or bad. Cherish good opportunities that come from being abroad. Value the money you make and not frivolously spend on entertainment or indiscriminately invest the money, else wise, money will just come and go for you. Abroad, do not meet bad people who may advise you to invest your money unwisely. You may also encounter bad people whom you have love relationships with, leading your failure.

Financially, it is not bad for the Rooster this year, even though it is only small financial gains and not large financial gains. As long as you are not greedy, wanting to be rich overnight, and are content with what is sufficient for life, and as long as money comes from legitimate means, then your efforts will be rewarded. But your money will only last if you learn to save for a rainy day. It is not suitable for you to engage in gambling and investment to earn quick money, otherwise, money will only come and go. If you do not properly manage your finances, there will be unexpected expenses that you may not be able to handle without savings, leading to distress. As mentioned earlier you need to be careful about relations with the opposite sex, which may lead to your financial loss.

In terms of relationships, going abroad will open opportunities for love encounters and relationships with the opposite sex. For those who stay local, relationship with the opposite sex may help you with your career and finances, but you need to be very clear cut about keeping love separate from work. For the single person who is looking for a potential partner, you are better off to find someone from abroad, rather than looking for people around you. However, being overly involved in the beginning of the relationship may lead to failure in love. The young person may easily allow relationship to negatively affect their schooling or work, easily giving up. You need to keep in mind that learning is an uphill climb and slipping can easily hold you back. Do not waste your schooling.
For the married person, you need to be cautious about unexpected situations. Do not be greedy. You need to keep open communication and beware of gossip that may lead to the involvement of a third party, potentially destroying your marriage. In particular because there is a greater chance of couples being distanced apart, there is a greater opportunity of going wayward, looking for love, lust, and fun. Such action will lead to destruction of marriage, career, reputation, and even physical injury. Therefore, you must exert more self-control on your sexual urges.

Health wise, the Rooster should be aware of illnesses of the liver and kidneys. You need to be careful about prolonging your stay in places where there are a lot of people, or you may risk infection. You also need to be cautious about gastrointestinal infection from eating and drinking, especially if you travel to developing countries where sanitary measures are sub par. You need to make rest and exercise routine and be vigilant about sanitation in your home.

Zodiac signs to associate with: Dragon, Ox and Snake
Zodiac signs to avoid: Dog, Rabbit, Goat and Pig
Lucky colors: Gold, Silver, Blue and White
Unlucky colors: Red, Brown, Yellow, Purple and Green
Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7
Unlucky numbers: 3, 4, 5 and 9
Lucky gemstones: Cat’s Eye Stone and Amber