Rabbit in the Year of the Goat

Lunar Calendar

Solar Calendar

Lunar Calendar

Solar Calendar


Feb 12 1915 – Feb 2 1916
Feb 2 1927 – Jan 22 1928
Feb 19 1939 – Feb 7 1940
Feb 6 1951 – Jan 16 1952


Jan 25 1963 – Feb 12 1964
Feb 11 1975 –Jan 30 1976
Jan 29 1987 – Feb 16 1988
Feb 16 1999 – Feb 4 2000
Feb 3 2011 – Jan 22 2012

Luck should be not bad this year for the Rabbit, but luck and career will at first be difficult, then easy. You must be adaptable, hard working, learn more, and think more. Most importantly, don’t expect to achieve greatness in just one step. Oftentimes, when your luck is good, you may tend to aspire too high; however, for the rabbit this year, stability is already prosperity. What the Rabbit is missing this year is the attitude towards status quo. You are thinking a bit too much and too fast this year. Though having many ideas is a good thing, too many ideas are not ideal because they don’t all materialize, as well as waste of energy. Being overly ambitious is unrealistic. Rather, complete one thing, then begin the next. Rationalize and assess practicality, your environment, your financial capability, take things one step at a time, strive for stability and not be overly ambitious, and then good things may come.

Striving for reputation will be more successful than striving for financial wealth this year. However, with reputation, hard work, and networking, can lead way to financial improvement. Reputation may be easily gained this year. You are also more suitable to play a supporting role, where occupations involving consultation and planning work are good. On the other hand, being a primary, key player will lead to gossip, instability, and if due to a colleague or if the situation is beyond your control at work, then it can lead to your demise. There will be a lot of gossip this year, and though you may say that things like gossip, disagreements and rumors happen all the time, most importantly, the Rabbit this year is more susceptible to lawsuits as a result of these disagreements. Therefore, it is advised that you approach things carefully and not step into any grey areas or make the problem bigger, bringing about legal problems. If you do get involved in a lawsuit, there is a greater chance that you lose. Even if you don’t have to go to jail, you will lose money. If you travel or work abroad, you need to be especially careful of what you say, as you may not only not receive compensation for the work you have done, you may also suffer physical injury. Also be aware of the opposite sex causing gossip and lawsuit against you.

Finance this year is unstable. Money comes in and out and changes so quickly that it is difficult to predict. At first, you may not value money as much, but when it changes from month to month quickly changing from good to bad, you start to feel frustrated over money that goes easily. You feel stressed and pressured to earn that money back; however, bear in mind that money doesn’t come to those who are impulsive. The more you chase, the more you lose. Watch your money carefully and use appropriately. You don’t need to purposely look for money, as good things may naturally come when the time is right. In terms of investments, they should be stable and practical; do not gamble, take high risks in buying/selling, or participate in illegal activities. Remember to collect when there are good returns. The money you earn should not be enjoyed solely by yourself; you should take care of your family with that money, and you may also want to make long term investments such as savings bonds to save for a rainy day. It is suitable for you to start a business this year, as it may be useful to your long term investment. You also should be aware of financial loss due to the opposite sex. Also, as you may be easily swayed by others, making wrong decisions, so you need to consider carefully before making your decisions. In actuality, the Rabbit’s luck is not that bad this year; however, the weakness is being impulsive and being easily swayed by others. 

Relationships this year is marginal. Clash of opinions and disagreements may come easily. It is not easy to find someone suitable for you. And those who have someone in their life may be susceptible to a third party entering your relationship or someone playing a disruptive role, for example through gossip. Remember that words may come from someone who gossips, but the one who acts is the one who receives the gossip. Do not be overly sensitive to this. When you mood is not good, you should avoid arguments with your partner, or even speaking or seeing them as to avoid awkwardness. These arguments may lead to breaking up. As there is easily a third party in your relationship, so in your work in social situations, you may easily find love outside your relationship. Remember that the new one is not as good as the old and forget about your partner, as you may end up with no one.

In regards to relationship with children, this area is weaker this year. In particular, you may be frustrated about your children’s happiness or marriage, leading to disagreements, discontent, and worry. Remember that these matters are for the next generations to deal with and something you should not worry too much about. For the Rabbit with young children, you should spend more quality time with them and understand them, as not only will your relationship with them deteriorate, they may meet inappropriate friends who may negatively affect their school, leading much bigger problems for you.

Health is quite good this year, as there should be no major problems. However, there will be minor illnesses which may drag on for a while, so make sure to see a doctor. For the older Rabbit, you need to be aware of illness related to your blood vessels, heart, diabetes, and gout. For middle aged females, be aware of gynecological problems. For the younger Rabbit, avoid sacrificing health to become more attractive through dieting or fasting to achieve a desired body type, as you may bring about serious illness upon yourself. As the Rabbit tends to be in a rush this year, you need to be careful of minor motor vehicle accidents or scares.

Zodiac signs to associate with: Goat, Pig and Dog
Zodiac signs to avoid: Snake, Rooster, Ox and Dragon
Lucky colors: Gold, Brown, Yellow and White
Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 7 and 8
Unlucky numbers: 1, 3, 4 and 9
Lucky gemstones: Lapis Lazuli